The pre school

Pre-Petite Section (PPS: 2 years) – Petite Section (PS: 3 years) – Moyenne Section (MS: 4 years) – Grande Section (GS: 5 years)


Our daycare is also a school! If the principle of daycare with a French curriculum is offered at LIFPA Don Bosco Saint John, from the age of 2 to 5 years old, these children will also be taught by a French certified teacher. The French National Education program will be offered for 36 weeks, or 180 days from 8:30 to 11:30 and from 12:30 to 14:30, or 25 hours per week. From 7:30 am to 8:30 am and from 2:30 pm to 6 pm the children will be welcomed with the principle of the daycare. Supervision is in accordance with New Brunswick child care legislation. Outside of the 36 weeks of school, children will be welcomed at the daycare center from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., i.e. for 12 weeks. Annual closure 15 days at Christmas, the last week of July, the first week of August.

Providing each child with a successful first school experience is the major goal of the preschool. With an original identity and a culture adapted to the age and development of the children it welcomes, this full-service school is distinguished from the elementary school by the pedagogy it implements.

The teachers are concerned with providing each child with a living environment and an organization of activities that encourage their autonomy and give them the time to live their first experiences while engaging in new acquisitions. They accurately identify the needs of each person, create the conditions for chance discoveries and encourage spontaneous experimentation. They encourage organized activity and maintain a sufficiently high level of demand so that, in their games, the children construct new ways of acting on the reality that surrounds them. Pre school is the educational and pedagogical foundation on which the learning that will be systematized in elementary school is based and developed. It is through play, action, autonomous research and sensitive experience that the children, according to their own path, build their fundamental acquisitions.


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Disciplinary areas Average weekly Cycle 1: PPS/PS/MS/GS
Language 8 Children acquire languages that allow them not only to communicate with those around them, but also to access culture.
Living together 5 Each child must learn to experience freedom of action and to build new relationships with peers and adults.
Act and express yourself with your body 4 The children broaden the scope of their experiences in environments and spaces that help them get to know themselves better and develop their physical abilities, that encourage them to adjust and diversify their actions, and that offer them a variety of sensations and emotions.
Discover the world 4 The activities proposed in this perspective give them reference points to order the events in the passing time and structure the spaces they explore.
Sensitivity, imagination, creation 3 The child must be able to search, invent, transform, express and experience the pleasure of creation.
Word of the day 1 An expression, a reading, a reflection, a game, an anecdote or a fact of life that makes you think and that can give meaning to the day.
Total 25h

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